About the Tiger

Greetings Earthling!
nuqneH. bIpIv'a'?
qaqIHneS >sup, qaqIHmo' jIQuch!

Kidding.. it's me (again), talking about myself (again). I'm rather surprised you came here to know about me. In case you didn't, let me warn you.. this page is going to about me, me, me and guess what? Me! (Textbook narcissism, I know). So, if you want to run away, this is your cue. (Shoo!)

Still here? Cool. Let's chat!

So, as I said earlier, I'm an undergraduate software developer, pursuing my B.Tech in Software Engineering from Delhi Technological University (formerly D.C.E.), India. Did I mention my real name? It's Sidhant Sharma, btw. I'm a pro-Open-Source developer, and strongly support free and open software. I have contributed to (or at least tried to contribute to) few open source projects, recently active with Project Haiku.
Fluent in C++ and Java, I'm also working on a couple of android application projects (all open source, of course ;) ). Check out my GitHub profile, we'll make these projects bigger and better together :).
Apart from that, I'm also looking to get my startup off the ground. (Curious? Get in touch here). Fingers crossed ;).

At a personal level, I am a quiet introvert who enjoys being close to nature whenever possible. A nerd (bordering geek (yes, there's a difference)), gamer and hobby guitarist, with a fine (very picky) taste in music. And boy, am I a workaholic, busy all the time. And when I'm (occasionally) free, you'll find me lazing around, doing absolutely nothing, marinading in my own thoughts. To top things up, I have many OCDs, including but not limited to clean fingerprint-free screens, well-organized files and folders, desktop icons set in a particular order, and of course, proper code style (Crazy? Tell me 'bout it).

Phew, that's quite a bit, eh? That's pretty much it for now, I guess.
Catcha later :)